Friday, March 7, 2014

Smells like spring and playoffs!

Wow! Happy March everyone! It is definitely starting to feel like spring here, and it's so wonderful!! This weeks forecast says mid 60s and lots of sun, I'll take it!! 
The girls are great, and crazy as ever! Our Nora bean turned 5 a few weeks ago, and I can't believe it! She's so excited to be a big 5 year old now :) and feels like she can do 'everything by myself'. Great! 
Elliot is funny as can be, and using the potty now! Yep, big news around here. 
David's team is now in the quarterfinals of the playoffs and it's do or die time! They split the first 2 games of the 5 game series, and will play the next 2 games away this weekend.  Hopefully they can come back with a couple wins and move onto the semifinals. Go Pirates!
We are starting to count down the days until were home. Hard to believe we've already been here for almost 7 months! But in the meantime, we're trying to enjoy these last few weeks of Italian living! Miss you all!! Ciao ciao! xo

hike selfie

pajama day at school!

new big girl underwear!! :)

headband sisters :) 

Family Hike! 

Happy Birthday Nora!!! 
This is at school, she was so happy they remembered her birthday ;) The sign translates to 'our birthday child'

Birthday girl!!

Beautiful cake Daddy got from the bakery :)
Playing with a few of her new toys!

Girlies caught a little sick bug for a couple days....movies and cuddles all around!

Carnevale is a huge holiday here. Technically it's the Tuesday before Ash Wednesay, or the beginning of Lent. But, the carnevale celebration itself lasts for a few weeks leading up to Lent. The idea is that you party, eat, drink, overindulge until you can't anymore and then you use Lent to recover. Brilliant! ;)
As part of the celebration, everyone wears costumes....even more costumes than Halloween in the states I think. Nora had carnevale day at school also.... Aaaarrrrggghhh! 

We took a little overnight trip to Merano, about a half hour away, into the mountains and stayed at an amazing little hotel. We tobogganed and hot-tubbed....perfection! 

And we also took the train car up to Mendel, only about 15mins away and spent a couple hours in the mountains there. It was beautiful!

The girls loved the train ride!

They really wanted to take a picture with me ;)

Girlies + Daddy

We took another half day trip up to Val di Fassa yesterday! Spring is definitely here....65 degrees down in Eppan and about 45 and sunny up in the mountains!! We were sweating in all of our snow gear, and it was amazing! Outside playground, coffee and ice cream outside at a cafe before heading back....perfection!

Not a bad spot to spend a couple hours :)

David soaking up some vitamin D!

ice cream and coffee on the patio ;)